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[GWICC2011]ACC心血管数据注册中心介绍及合理应用冠脉血运重建技术——ACC主席Ralph G.Brindis访谈

作者:RalphG.Brindis 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2011/10/20 11:10:39    加入收藏
 关键字:冠状动脉 血运重建 冠心病 

  ACC主席Ralph G.Brindis 美国旧金山加利福尼亚大学

  International Circulation: On a macro level, what is the interest of the ACC in China and particularly what is your interest in coming to China?
  Prof Brindis: It has been a really exciting time for me to be in China over the last couple of years. China has some very dynamic leaders such as Professor Hu, who have great visions for the country. It has been a particular honor in collaborating with him and his fellow colleagues in trying to, not only improve international health, but the health of the Chinese people. The American College of Cardiology feels it is one of its missions to help facilitate true leaders such as Dayi and his colleagues to do such. There are a lot of challenges here in China related to non-communicable diseases particularly cardiovascular disease and particularly related to tobacco use and other primary risk factors for coronary disease and trying to help offer some of the strategies that we found helpful in the United States that your leaders in cardiology can apply here in China. It is a particular thrill for me personally.
  International Circulation: Is there anything that hasn’t been achieved in the Unites States that you feel there is an opportunity to do here in China?
  Prof Brindis: Of course things in the United States are far from perfect. We have so many opportunities to improve the care of our own patients and our society. But there are a number of things that we have learned in terms of: translating evidence-based medicine into the bedside and the patient; to the delivery of systems of care whether it be for acute myocardial infarction or whether it be for secondary or primary prevention; and in the development of registries. In this case, the American College of Cardiology has a very robust registry system for both hospital-based care and ambulatory care. Some of the visionary leaders here in China appreciate some of the things we have created and the opportunities that applying them here in China can offer the population.  It gives me a personal thrill with my own background in public health and my own desire to conquer cardiovascular disease internationally, to be able to be a part of that process of improved care in a small way.

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