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[GWICC2014]心血管疾病预防理念推广及现存争议——WHF主席Sidney C. Smith教授专访

作者:SidneyC.Smith 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2014/10/19 18:02:40    加入收藏
 关键字:心血管病 预防 

   美国北卡罗莱纳大学教堂山分校 Sidney C. Smith教授


  Sidney C. Smith教授:世界心脏联盟(WHF)常务理事和前任主席,内科学教授,专业领域为介入心脏病学、冠状动脉血管成形术、瓣膜性心脏病、冠心病和预防心脏病学。
  International Circulation: Reviewing the guidelines for cardiovascular disease prevention published in 2013 and 2014, what concepts and ideas do you think are worth promoting? And what controversies need to be solved?
  Dr Smith: One thing that we know for sure we should promote in our new guidelines is for people not to smoke cigarettes and if they do smoke cigarettes, to stop. If we get rid of cigarettes, we get rid of a lot of strokes and heart attacks. It is crazy that we don’t do that and do it all around the world. We have seen progress. We know, for instance, in the United States and other countries where they have cut back on cigarette smoking, they have seen a 17%~20% reduction in heart attacks. We also know that low-dose aspirin in people who have had heart attacks really works quite well. We know that taking statin therapy lowers cholesterol and that is very good in treating patients with heart disease. There are some interesting arguments about how low we should treat blood pressure. We have learned, for instance, that in diabetes where we thought blood pressure should be treated lower than others, it doesn’t need to be. There is no benefit. We are wondering about older people and exactly how much medication can they take and should they take. I think we are going to have more information about the treatment of high blood pressure. We have medicines that are inexpensive and that can do a good job and we can do an even better job as we get more information.

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