<International Circulation>: Regarding your upcoming presentation entitled “PCI vs. Surgery for ACS with multivessel Disease” what is your preference and why? Dr Aaron Kugelmass: I don’t prefer one procedure to another I would prefer to focus our attentions both on the clinical and angiographic factors that predict acute and long term success for the patients. Most importantly that we then take the patient’s wishes, desires, values, fears and economic circumstances into to account in order to figure out from existing guidelines what we think as physicians is best from a medical perspective and tailor that to the individual patient’s needs.
《国际循环》:您的演讲名为“多支病变的ACS患者选择PCI还是外科手术?”您更倾向于选择哪种治疗?为什么? Kugelmass教授:我没有倾向于某一种治疗。我想让大家关注能够预测患者近期和远期转归的临床和血管因素。最重要的是,我们需要考虑患者的愿望、价值观、恐惧和经济状况,目的是在遵从现有指南的基础上,从医疗的角度思考怎样做才是最好的医生,同时要根据患者的需要量体裁衣。
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