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[AHA2011]循证医学与动脉粥样硬化的多元危险因素评估——Allan Sniderman教授专访

作者:AllanSniderman 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2011/11/16 19:22:40    加入收藏
 关键字:循证医学 动脉粥样硬化 危险因素评估 Allan Sniderman 

    <International Circulation>:   Why are we using this 10-year model?

    Prof.Sniderman:  Because it was the model we had.  Now people are developing 30-year models, which will come closer and closer to what I’m suggesting we do.  If you have someone who is over the 75th percentile over their lifetime the probability is so high it does not matter if it is 58.4% or 63% or 72.8%, it is so high that I believe we should act, or inform the patient of the option.  If the patient says that they do not wish to take a pill then that is the patient’s right.  They should have the opportunity to decide because if they die earlier, which they can, they won’t get that opportunity.  If they present later the physician is treating arteries that are already in such a dire state of destruction their capacity to recover is very low.  It makes sense to get in there early and this is why I think the words matter: risk is easy to get away from, while a cause is harder to ignore.  Language and words matter, our language is the author of our actions.  The word matters because it brings with it all the seriousness of consequence and the irremediable consequence of delay.  If there wasn’t a single person in the room who agreed with me it is still what I believe the state of treatment should be.  To mitigate risk the responsibility isn’t so big.

    Sniderman教授:因为这是我们已有的模型。现在已经有人设计出了长达30年的模型,这种模型更加接近于我的建议。如果现在有一个人已经走完了其生命全程的3/4,这种情况的概率很高,因此就不在乎它是高到58.4% 或63% 还是72.8%,这种概率高到我相信我们必须行动起来,或者告知患者可供选择的治疗方法。如果患者说他们不想服用药物,那么这也应该是患者的权利。患者应该有机会做出选择,因为如果他们更早死亡,如果真是这样的话,他们将不会有机会做出选择。如果患者的病变发现的比较晚,这时医生对已经严重病变的动脉进行治疗,他们的恢复的可能性就很小。早期对疾病进行治疗听起来很有道理,并且这就是为什么我要想这些:想要避免危险因素很容易,而原因更难以忽视。语言和文字很关键,我们的语言是行动的指挥者。我们所说的话很重要,因为它能带来所有的重要性结果,并且如果我们说晚了的话也会造成不可挽回的严重后果。在这个房间里即使没有一个人同意我的观点,我还是会相信治疗应该是我认为的那样。为了降低风险所负担的责任并不是那么大。

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