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作者:JohnD.Day 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2011/8/24 14:07:23    加入收藏
 关键字:新房颤动 导管消融 John D. Day 

    <International Circulation>:What is the current incidence of use of the procedure in your clinic and indeed in the United States? Would you anticipate similar rates of use in Asia and specifically in China?

    Dr Day: What we are seeing with atrial fibrillation ablation procedures is that worldwide the market appears to be growing at, depending on which report you are looking at, at least 20% annually. So the market is growing fast. What are the current indications for atrial fibrillation ablation? At least in the US guidelines, it would be for patients with symptomatic atrial fibrillation who have failed at least one anti-arrhythmic medication. The European guidelines allow for the use of catheter ablation before that; they do not absolutely require the failure of one anti-arrhythmic medication. As we move forward, I would continue to see this market increasing particularly with the ageing world population and I don’t foresee any great new pharmacologic agents in the pipeline that might change our view of drug efficacy versus ablation.

    Dr Day:  全球房颤射频消融的市场份额程增长趋势,速度之快在每年增长20%左右。目前房颤射频消融的手术指证?在美国的指南中规定有症状的房颤患者经至少一种抗心律失常药物治疗失败,而欧洲指南中并不绝对限定单药物治疗失败这一点。从长远看,我预计这个市场随着社会老龄化会继续增长,但我还没有看到一种有效的新型药物治疗相对于导管消融治疗的优势。

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