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 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2010/10/11 11:42:00    加入收藏
 关键字:A.M.Heagerty教授 心血管疾病 高血压 防治指南 心理疾病 

    <International Circulation>: Different regions have different guidelines for the management of hypertension and have different approaches to managing various patient populations, such as the very elderly. What is your opinion of the differences between the guidelines?

    Prof. Heagerty: A lot of different countries have their own individual guidelines, there are regional society developed guidelines, and some governments, including the British government, have produced guidelines. Many of these guidelines are actually quite similar in terms of the level of blood pressure that we should attempt to get down to but they differ slightly in the types of drugs an

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用户:zuojunli 时间:2010/10/18 13:06:13
That is so great! I can obtain a lot of information from this speech.


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